First let me give you a back-story:
A few weeks ago, I was struggling with something (I think it was being lonely) and I talked to Gerry and he told me that the Holy Spirit told him something very odd. He suddenly stopped and said, "What do you think about the Britton's?" Which was totally out of place in our conversation. And I was pretty surprised, and I studdered the answer, "Well, they have a lot of potential if they could get past some stuff." (Cause this had been on my mind lately anyway, the Britton's had/have been acting weird and I couldn't seem to figure out why) And after a pause he said that what I think they should do to get past what they're dealing with is what I should do as well. Because we are dealing with the same spirit. This of course, was a total shock to me, because I sorta disagreed with a lot of stuff they'd been saying lately, although I didn't know what exactly I disagreed with, and I wasn't quite sure how to take this news.
So here I am today, thinking that my conversation with Gerry just was on the back burner. But after class tonight (at approximately 9:01) Abbie comes into our classroom and yells at Jordan to leave because she had a bunch of stuff to do and he was gonna cause her all these problems if he didn't leave that instant. Jordan and I just looked at each other like, wow, is this really happening? (The teacher had literally just stopped talking like 30 seconds before) So we got up to pack up our stuff and leave, and as Jordan was saying goodbye I said, "Wait, help me carry all my stuff out to my car!" I didn't ask, I told him, in the same tone of voice that Abbie had used. And he said, "You are acting just like her."
On the car ride home I realized that what he said was totally true, and the more I thought about it the more I saw that recently I have been getting angry in a matter of seconds, at mostly the people closest to me. It's usually when I'm at my weakest emotionally.
Back to what Gerry said, THAT'S what it is. That's "the spirit Satan has assigned to take us down." (in Gerry's words) I just don't know what exactly to do about it yet, besides call it out when I see it. And try to find the source of it in my life. (Which may be a whole other blog in itself) I just feel like it's a big accomplishment to finally figure out what it is! And I don't seem to be so angry anymore. :)
I think recognizing it is a big part. It's impossible to fix something you don't know needs help. I'm so proud that you are willing to ask for help for things like this - i hate asking for help. You're cooler than me.. in many more ways than that :)
After having read several of your articles, I find you to be a very sincere and heartfelt person who desires [more than anything else] to be within Yahweh's will for your life! Thus, I will share this with you....
The Holy Spirit [or, Ruach Ha Kodesh] no longer dwells within The Churches Of Spiritual Babylon - for: "Babylon The Great Has Fallen!"
What this means is that, They have grieved His Holy Spirit to the point of its complete withdrawal and departure. Study the historical epochs of the churches in the book of Revelation; and particularly note: "The Church Of Laodicea" [Revelation 3:14-22], which is vomited out of His Mouth - for being neither: Cold, nor Hot....
Yahweh now provides His Instructions through The 144,000 Prophets of His own choosing - mentioned in Revelation: chapters 7 and 14.
Until you: "Leave Babylon," as Yahweh is now commanding you [read Revelation chapter 18], the spirit of corruption will increasingly continue to Erode and Undermine your own Spiritual Character - worse and worse....
Perhaps, you should check out: "The Truth About God" - blog site. it has some very useful information which is much-needed at this time!
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