Saturday, August 9, 2008

The evils of the mind.

God. I don't feel beautiful. I don't feel worth it. I don't think I could ever be great.
"Daughter, Why do you constantly question and disagree. You always think about how frustrating it would be to be Me. Well, I'm frustrated with you right now. You're not listening to me, and you're going back to the things I've already fixed. You DO know you are beautiful. You DO know you are worth it. Beauty and Worth are the core values you will lead with. You need to remember that you are my Warrior Princess. Remember what you have conquered and fight for what you want. I am always with you."

"Ask for something bigger, like he said."
I want my mind to be your mind. My thoughts your thoughts.
"You already have that! You frustrate me."
Fine. I want ... I want to crumble and hide away and cry.

"Warrior Princess. Be strong."

I am weak. You make me strong.

"Yes, I make you strong. You have exactly the tools you need for the job I have given you. Instead of asking for more tools, ask me to reveal your true job, and the details of that job. Prepare yourself, by asking me what will be needed of you."

What will be needed of me?

"Strength. Optimism. Nurturing. Work on those."

What about my dad?
"Thoughts are permitted. Actions are not. It is his choice; his problem. Do not add to his hurt."

I'm sorry for breaking down, Jesus. I'm learning. Thank you for being patient with me when I want to do anything but grow up.

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