Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Oh, the Joy

Ah, God!
You've provided for me in every way! How you know what you do is absolutely incredible to me! You seduce me, in so many ways. I absolutely am falling apart for you. I feel like my heart is quite literally melting inside me; I fall to the ground because your love just makes me soft. You've shown me so much; the contrast between okay and wonderful, the fullness of life, glimpses of your heart. Only glimpses; more would overwhelm me to the core of my being. Help me strive to love you the way you love me. Help me see myself as you see me, to appreciate the beauty you've created in me, the way you do. I want to learn to see the beauty in things around me; I want to see you in the things around me. Oh jesus, what to say. It's you who gave me life, and I can't explain how much you mean to me.
I come to you in weakness, I come to you in strength. You are my strength, you are my fortess. You are my help in times of need. You know my thoughts, you know my heart. You know.

"The JOY of the Lord is my strength!"

1 comment:

jordanbritton said...

It makes me so happy that you are growing so much in God. It makes me so excited in the fact that because you are growing in God that I am doing enough in my role so that you can grow without having to worry about us. and that through all this I can grow in him as well. I am really overjoyed!